Thracian: From the Latin "tractare", to manage, perform or handle. This creature is one of the most innovative and able creatures to walk to the earth besides man. Although relitively inferior in hand to hand combat, the thracian survives and flourishes as a species due to it's intelligence and ability to problem solve. Endothermic and omnivorous, this hybrid of plant and creature is able to photosynthesis due to the chlorophyll in it's skin. The Thracians Primary defence is the venomous tip of his powerful tail. The animals close relationship with nature is reflected in their proximity to water and symbiotic relationship with many other creatures in the area.

latin info from http://www.freedict.com/onldict/onldict.php

latin info from http://www.freedict.com/onldict/onldict.php
image of tree from http://www.jennifermarohasy.com/blog/archives/Daintree%20Rainforest.jpg
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